Apr 5, 2023Liked by Ananyo Bhattacharya


will there be a german version of your von Neumann biography in the forseeable future?



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Hi Martin,

Kind of you to ask. Despite my best efforts and a rave review in Der Spiegel, it doesn't look like it sadly. I've pushed my agent and even tried to contact editors myself but despite having earned out its advance in 6 months in the USA, becoming a bestseller in Hungary and being translated into a dozen languages including Italian, Turkish and Korean, there has been no interest from a German publisher. The reasons given are so weak I can't bring myself to tell you them in public! Of course I wouldn't be so bothered if my wife's family weren't German but they are and my kids are fluent in the language too!

Best wishes


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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Ananyo Bhattacharya

Hi Ananyo,

thank you for the quick reply and explanation. I asked my bookseller if there will be a German translation of your book and she could not find any information about it. That's why I wrote to you directly.

A few days ago I read a review of a Gödel biography by Stephen Budiansky in the online edition of the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" (FAZ), which also linked to a review of your book:



Both reviews were written by the science journalist Uld von Rauchhaupt, whose publications are presented here in an overview


and who is himself a book author. Perhaps he could help find a publisher for your book. He is also active on Twitter, see https://twitter.com/rauchhaupt

I still had the idea to check which German-language publishers have published translations of biographies of famous mathematicians. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to approach those publishers again, if you haven't already.

Propyläen: Berlin-based publisher, imprint of the Ullstein Group.

Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH

Friedrichstr. 126

10117 Berlin.


Tel.: +49-30-23456-300

Fax: +49-30-23456-303



Has published biographies of Kurt Gödel and J. Robert Oppenheimer, among others, as well as the translation of George Dyson: Turing's Cathedral, which also deals extensively with John von Neumann, especially in chapter 4.

Springer: A major scientific publisher based in Berlin.


Heidelberger Platz 3

14197 Berlin



Graham Framelo's biography of Paul Dirac, among others.

Rowohlt Verlag based in Hamburg

Rowohlt Verlag

Kirchenallee 19

20099 Hamburg

Phone: +49-40-72 72-0

Fax: +49-40-72 72-319

E-mail: info@rowohlt.dehttps://www.rowohlt.de/Published among others Jim Holt - When Einstein Walked with Gödel

Piper Verlag

Piper Verlag

Georgenstrasse 4

80799 Munich


E-mail: info@piper.de

Phone: +49 (89) 381801-0


Published among others David Foster Wallace - Everything and More, of em from 2007 to 2020 7 editions. The publishing house has a focus on "biographies".

BirkhäuserVerlag in Basel, Switzerland. This publisher published Norman Macrae's biography of John von Neumann in 1994, but is now an imprint of De Gruyter with a focus on architecture and design, so not appropriate.

I wish you good luck and I would very much appreciate it if your book would appear in German after all.



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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Author

Dear Martin,

Thanks for your kind words! I know for a fact that my agent’s tried all those publishing houses and sometimes two editors at each. I’ve even tried approaching editors personally but been snubbed. Frankly if the stunningly good Der Spiegel review didn’t convince them to spend a few euros on doing the translation, then I doubt I will. One well regarded German scientist-author told me it might just be because my name’s ‘Bhattacharya’. 🤷‍♂️ We’ll try again at the London book fair but it’s as if German editors got together at a party in Munich, shook their heads woefully over their glasses of Sekt and all just said ‘Nein’.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Ananyo Bhattacharya

Hi Ananyo,

sorry to hear what you say. May be I will sent an e-mail to the publishing houses just to make them aware that there is a demand.

All the best


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